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Module 1: The Trouble Trifecta
VIDEO — "The Trouble Trifecta" (7:26)
Happy Class Learning Outcomes
Happy Class Workbook
Fact vs. Fiction
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ)
Module 1.5: The Coercion Cycle
VIDEO — "Coercion Doesn’t Work. There’s a Better Way!" (10:17)
Breaking the Coercion Cycle
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ 1)
VIDEO — 'The Heart of the Beast' (7:44)
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ 2)
Module 2: Bad CPR
VIDEO — 'Bad CPR' (5:26)
The Bad CPR
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ)
Module 2.5: Toolkit Teaser
VIDEO — "Toolkit Teaser" (8:47)
How to Start Restorative Discipline
Restorative Discipline Policy
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ)
Module 3: Preventative Systems
VIDEO — 'Preventative Systems' (2:16)
VIDEO — 'S.A.F.E. Prevention' (13:23)
S.A.F.E. Classroom Poster
SAFE Classroom Poster En Español
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ)
Module 4: The Guiding Principle of Optimism
VIDEO — "The Guiding Principle of Optimism" (4:05)
The Guiding Principle of Optimism INTRO
Thought Replacement Exercises
Thought and Behavior Replacement
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ)
Module 5: The ABCs of ABA
VIDEO — The ABCs of ABA INTRO (9:08)
The ABCs of ABA
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ)
Module 5.5: Group Contingencies
VIDEO — Group Contingencies INTRO (8:23)
Group Contingencies
Test Your Knowledge (QUIZ)
Module 6: Toolkit Review
Toolkit Review INTRO
VIDEO — Toolkit Overview (43:38)
Precision Requests
Behavioral Momentum
Posted Classroom Rules
Classroom Rules en Español
Positive Reinforcement Schedule
The No Protocol
Self Monitoring
The Box
The Box
Organizational Strategies
Ask 3 For Free
Coercion Cycle
Self Monitoring
Breaking the Cycle
The Better Reprimand (New Update!)
The Uh-Oh Plan
Happy Class Toolkit
Dude, That's My Phone (Cell phone Management Strategy)
Class Rules (Beverly Hills 90210 Edition) for Secondary Classrooms
Elementary Classroom Rules (COVID-19 Edition)
Secondary Classroom Rules (COVID-19 Edition)
VIDEO — Group Contingencies INTRO
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